Don'ts When Playing The Violin

Just like in playing any other instruments, there are also don'ts that
you have to remember when playing the violin. How you hold the violin
and bow, plus your posture can really affect how you play it. So, you
have to keep in mind that being a good violinist does not only mean
that you have to be good in playing it alone, but you also have to
know what are the things to avoid so that the music that you play will
be really justified.

Do not disrespect your violin. This means that when you are having
difficulty hitting a note and you are starting to get really
frustrated, never swing your violin around. Take note: swinging it
around will not make you any better as far as playing the violin is
concerned. What it will do is that it will damage your instrument
because there is a tendency for the neck to break from the body.

Do not use long fingernails when playing the violin. Why? Because this
will affect how you touch the strings, resulting to poor sound
quality. If your fingernails are long, chances are you will keep on
touching the other strings and even the fingerboard. So, the best
thing to do is to keep your fingernails short.

Do not hit the bow on anything and never touch its hairs. Take note
that the hairs on your violin's bow are very delicate, that's why you
should never touch them. And never attempt to hit the bow on anything
because even small pressure can cause it to snap in just a fraction of
a second. So, better treat it well even if you are getting frustrated
playing it.

Do not slump! Keep your good posture at all times. Make sure that your
back is straight and that your feet are a bit apart when playing the
violin. Although slumping will not affect the overall sound quality
when playing, it can very much affect your physical condition, thus
you'll find the activity tiring rather than fun.

Do not get into any bad habit, like bowing with the tip of your bow
past your left shoulder. Why is that so? Because it will affect how
well you play the violin. Instead of forming that bad habit, you
better keep straight.

Do not rush learning the advanced part if you are not yet well-versed
of the beginner's lessons. No matter how strong your desire is to
learn more than the basics, you will never be really good in playing
the violin if you do not master the basics first. You have to remember
to take one step at a time. The more you try to advance without
mastering the basics will just lead you to frustration.

Do not allow rosin build-up on your violin, to the extent that the
rosin becomes caked on the strings. This can interfere with the
playing of the violin and can affect the overall sound quality. So,
make sure that you clean it after every session. You can use a soft
cotton cloth when doing so.

These are the don'ts that you have to keep in mind when playing the
violin. See, they are not as hard as you think. Simply follow them and
you are off to a really great experience playing the violin. Labels:


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